Thursday, July 25, 2024

Still Here

after so many years
the good and the bad
the joy and the pain
the highs and the lows

through youth and vigor
through illness and aging
I am still here
and so are you

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Trail

we met at a trail
on a summer day
the sky so blue
the air so clear

our path it seemed
would be the same
our mutual goal 
a distant peak

so off we trudged
our packs so light
a steady climb
through fields and wood

the peak ahead
a sunlit dome
til lost behind
the crowded trees

and then we reached
a wall of rock
with several routes
to skirt its mass

so there we split
each choosing one
thinking that
we'd meet above

but we were lost
our paths diverged
and why that choice
I'll never know 


Wednesday, June 5, 2024


nature's gift
to keep us safe
a tool of man
to shake our will

endured by some 
a badge of faith
a dark detour
from reason's path

a warning born
from deep within
a conscious choice
to take no chance

a learned excuse
to stay the course
a wayward trail
from freedom's path  


Friday, May 24, 2024

South Platte

born in peaks 
and fed by snow 
she carved her path 
through walls of rock 

beyond those hills 
a city sprawled 
her bounty sought 
her floods endured 

so dams and chutes 
control her flow 
and woods she spawned 
now fade to dust 

but on she rolls 
across the plains 
her power drained 
her glory lost

Note: Initially published in November, 2009