Saturday, March 15, 2025


an endurance test
this fickle month
chilly rain and
tempered sun

with spring in sight
winter lingers
not yet inclined
to set us free

the geese in turn
are far more hardy 
and off they fly
to northern lands

and early bulbs
can wait no longer
their leaves now free
to break the soil

we humans though
exude impatience
our coats and boots
still at the door 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Life of a Tree

born from seed
blessed by light
years of risk
left behind

so then a home
for bird and beast
a climbing gym
for raucous youth

for many years
it spreads its gifts
cleaning air
dropping food

decades hence
disease took hold
its mighty form
gray and bare

yet still a loft
for hawks and owls
until its trunk
began to fail

and now its wood
decays to earth
a source of food
for newborn trees 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Turning Point

a celebration
as it were
a glass or two
a special day

future plans
were on the plate
fears expressed
suggestions made

but now it's clear
this was the end
too much said
yet not enough

Friday, December 13, 2024

Home Town

so long away
now returned
familiar ground
but so much change

older structures
since replaced
cherished sites
lost in time

nostalgia now
with sadness mixed
a sense of loss
and some regret

for more than place
a sorrow builds
of human bonds
lost as well